Valletta (Malta)
In August 2010, TBA Periti were appointed as local engineers representing Ove Arup and Partners as Structural Consultants on the Valletta City Gate Project. Perit Karl Farrugia, formerly an employee of TBA Periti, was selected and appointed as Site Engineer for the project on behalf of ARUP/TBA Periti.
Through the course of the project, Karl Farrugia was deeply involved in all the major phases of the project, starting from the arcades and sixties’ gate demolition, site excavations around the existing historical buildings, construction of the new Parliament Building, the Opera House consolidation followed by the Opera House backstage area excavation and construction, through to the construction of the infrastructure services in the areas around the parliament complex and streetscapes.
Additionally, Karl Farrugia oversaw the construction of the City Gate entrance, the construction of the entrance blocks and blades as well as the most delicate part of the entrance package of the project which consisted of the dismantling of the City Gate main bridge and the repair of the bomb‐blast damage.
Karl Farrugia was responsible for the structural appraisal, repair and consolidation of various sections of the bastion, surrounding structures appraisal, following which his involvement in project terminated around December 2013.